Friday, August 22, 2008

OMG I liked Applebee's!!!

So after years of crapping on Applebee's for being the epitome and flavor-less American food, I went there today with my in-laws (I go wherever I will be fed for free with no complaints). I've been indoctrinated with many commercials in the past 2 years, and lately my interest in Applebee's has become like an interest in the possibility of salvaging leftover french fries by refrying it again because you don't have much in the fridge and you're sounds like a bad idea, but what the hell.

(By the way, of all commercials on TV that I am able to deflect from my mind with my useful Women's Studies knowledge, it is food commercials that I just cannot mentally outdo....those savory-looking 30" burgers sizzling on the screen of a Wendy's commercial...I just want to order it directly from the TV, grab it from the screen, go back to my sofa, and just devour it!!! And become another fat statistic!!!! So my HungyHusband has to help me come back from food-commercial land by just saying no and laughing at me...A lot.)

So I got a Shrimp Spinach salad lunch combo with chicken noodle soup. The salad has sprinkles of walnut, just a bit of cranberries, a soft vinagrette (that might have been a bit sweet but they didn't drench the salad), and perfectly marinated shrimp that could have been a little stronger in flavor to outdo the sweetness, but nonetheless impressive enough for my tongue.

Usually I call moments like this where I succumb to suburbialand hotspots and habits as "Tyia-goes-a-bit-deeper-into-the-hole-of-self-annihilation-and-becomes-less-authentic." But today, FUCK IT! It tasted good and it was cheap. $5.99 people! Would I go there again! Hells yeah! Will I hate myself for going? Maybe if I'm in a different mood!

Here's the yummy shrimp:

(Since my experience was so positive there, I won't mention the mediocre chicken nuggets and french fries kid meal I ordered for LittleMama. Let's just say she ate my food more than she ate hers.)


Anonymous said...

i know what you mean... i like "in and out" fries like they are potato chips! (i guess they kind of are).

tyiatime said...

you like me.

tyiatime said...

i think it is b/c i gave birth to your cousin